Original Music Page
Original Songs
All music in this section is copyright original, composed by Colin Gilbert.
All music in this section is copyright original, composed by Colin Gilbert.
'Lazy Days' was originally written in the eighties when Al and me were a duo act. I re-discovered it and brought it up to date.
'Eblooz' was an idea of Al's that I expanded on. I used many effects on his harp and my vocals.
I thought i would write a Blues love song, and this came to play. I first performed it at open mic's playing guitar and harp myself.
This song was a total self obsessed lyric, imagining how artists want to be in the lime-light, but draped in self doubt.
Well, I just wanted to get funky, so I did. I love funky brass too, so I introduced a small jazzy bridge. There's a video that accompanies this tune on the video page.
I wanted to explore some brass instruments with a slight jazzy feel.
Who knows what was going through my head when i put this together.
This is the older, shorter version of the tune, 'Beyonds'.
This is the longer re-mix version of 'Beyonds'. There's a video that accompanies this tune.
This, as most of my tunes are, was a journey of discovery. It soon developed into what I saw as a march with a first world war feel. There's a video that accompanies this tune.
'Run' was written with a film score in mind. It was a chase scene with aliens in search of humans, in my head anyway.
Here's a song that has gone through a few transformations. Started life as a song called 'So Hard', changed lyrics to 'Hush' and then turned into an instrumental.
As a bird lover, I often sit and listen to the song of all bird. None is more cheery than the Robin. As I recorded a Robin in my garden and set to to create this tune. There's a video that accompanies this tune.
There's a video that accompanies this tune.
A melody I put together as part of my mothers memorial video.
Different approach on this tune. It was different snippets, cobbled together to create a certain style. There's a video that accompanies this tune.
This piece isn't officially finished, but what the heck, I might never finish it and it would be a shame for you to miss it, now wouldn't it?
Electrode was intended to be a song and may end up that way one day, but for now it's an instrumental.
Ballard/Love Songs
This is the 'So Hard' version of the song. It is a sad song about life and how hard it is. The other version is 'Hush'.
Here's the 'Hush' version. It's more of a lullaby song, trying to get your child to sleep stuff.
Another self doubting love song. There's a re-mix in the project section below.
After being involved with Buddhism for a while, and taking in the mind set and meditation, I wrote this about doing, getting things done against waiting for things to happen. There's a video that accompanies this tune.
This is my attempt to write a simple love song using the minor chord in a similar way to the Beatles. There's a video that accompanies this tune.
Even though this isn't a dance song, it's based on the story of a persons love of the dance and competitions. There's a video that accompanies this tune.
I was asked if I would like to perform at a Folk/Sea Shanty event, but I had no folk/Sea Shanty songs in my set, so I wrote song with a story and Sea in it. I didn't perform in the end, so I popped it up slightly.
I was writing about the place a lot of men find themselves in after getting a divorce and this is the (unfinished) result. I will return to this one day and record the vocals fully.
Children's songs
My daughter mentioned in a message that she had come across a bee on her way home; so I wrote this song in response. There's a video that accompanies this tune.
I can't remember why i wrote this kiddies song except, I do like dolphins, whales and most sea creatures. There's a video that accompanies this tune.
Themed Songs
A little birthday song I put together for my sisters birthday, 50th I think.
This one was slipped in, but it's not actually my song and it's an instrumental, so I let it here as a teaser. There's a video that accompanies this tune.
This is a reoccurring theme of love, disasters and how not to approach the subject.
There's a previous version of this song in the ballard/Love song section above.
There's a previous version of this song in the ballard/Love song section above.
As You Crossed Over
by James Rankin
Recorded and Produced by Colin Gilbert
Dixie Fried
by Richard Callan re-mixed by Colin Gilbert
by Richard Callan re-mixed by Colin Gilbert
Beautiful Ruin
by Fran Landesman and Simon Lawrence
Recorded, Mixed and Performed by Colin Gilbert
The Night The Curtain Fell
Written and Narrated by Chris Gilbert
Music and sound effects by Colin Gilbert
A play that keeps you on the edge of your seat - 'Daily Nose - pick of the week'
All music arranged and produced by
Colin Gilbert
Additional vocals by Maggie Gilbert
Harp on 'Lazy Days' and 'eblooz' by Al Bye
Guitar by Richard Callan